Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Whenever possible, don’t walk alone during late-night hours. Walk in groups whenever you can—there is always safety in numbers.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Children left home alone should know the following things:
  • What steps you want them to follow when they get home; such as phoning you at work or a neighbor or grandparent who is at home.
  • Not to let strangers, adults or children into the home for any reason.
  • Not to tell telephone callers or strangers that they’re alone.
  • Doors and windows should always be locked. Be sure your children know how they work.
  • Don't go into the home if a door is ajar or a window is broken, but to go to a neighbor’s or relatives house to call Police.
  • Your rules about acceptable activities when you are not at home. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


  1. How to call 911 or "0" in emergencies, and how to use a public phone. Help them practice making emergency phone calls. Be sure emergency numbers–police, fire, poison control and emergency medical–are by all phones.
  2. Their full name, address, and phone number (including the area code), plus your work phone number. If you have a cellular phone and/or beeper, teach your children these numbers as well.
  3. How to walk confidently and stay alert to what’s going on around them. To walk and play with friends, not alone.
  4. To refuse rides or gifts from anyone, unless it’s someone both you and your child know and trust.
  5. To tell a trusted adult immediately if anyone, no matter whom, touches them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable.