Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lost Cell Phone

As many of you know cell phones have become an integral part of our lives. With that being said there are many times we misplace, lose, or our cell phone is stolen.  If this happens to you we recommend you first attempt to download "Plan B" from the Google Play market:

Note: this will only work if you have an Android based phone. Second once you login to the market you will be able to download Plan B to your lost or stolen cell phone and it will begin to send emails to you with the location of your cell phone. If you suspect the phone has been stolen please contact Police at 920-746-2450 and we will assist with recovering your cell phone.

1 comment:

  1. I installed Plan B as a test. It only located each of the nearest 3 cell towers... saying that the phone was within 1000m of each location. But, each band delineated was not wide enough to include my present location and the app failed to pinpoint my phone. It seems like a great idea, if only the 3 towers would triangulate to mark my correct spot.
